Church Services at Weeley
Forthcoming Services:
Sunday 23rd February 2025: 2nd Sunday before Lent
9.30am Sung Eucharist - Revd. Canon Laurie Bond
Sunday 2nd March 2025: 1st Sunday before Lent
10.00am - Priory Parishes Benefice Service at St Andrew's Weeley Sung Eucharist - Revd. Sharon Guest
Sunday 9th March 2025: 1st Sunday of Lent
9.30am Morning Prayer - Lay Reader Wendy King
Sunday 16th March 2025: 2nd Sunday of Lent
9.30am Sung Eucharist - Revd. Sharon Guest
Sunday 23rd March 2025: 3rd Sunday of Lent
9.30am Sung Eucharist - Revd. Laurie Bond
Sunday 30th March 2025: Mothering Sunday
10.00am Family Praise - Lay Reader Wendy King
Sunday 6th April 2025: 5th Sunday of Lent
10.00am - Priory Parishes Benefice Service at St James Lt Clacton -
Holy Communion - Revd. Sharon Guest
A few additional details.
Communion will be distributed initially in the form of wafers with wine from the common chalice following.
Where the chalice is offered this is option and not a requirement, this will be made clear by the presiding priest.
Look in the Monthly Parish Magazine for details.
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